My Faith Votes | Sanctity of Life


Sanctity of Life

Press Release



March for Life: From Roe v Wade to Ballot Battles with Jeanne Mancini

In 1973, the Supreme Court sent shockwaves across the nation when it ruled that abortion was constitutional. In 1974, the March for Life began with a group of people who believed in the sanctity of every human life leading the charge. They did not intend the March for Life to become an annual event but, today, the March for Life has been going on for 50 years. What began as a small demonstration has become the largest, longest-running, annual human rights demonstration worldwide. According to Jeanne Mancini, President of the March for Life, that annual demonstration contributed to the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022. We recently sat down with Jeanne to discuss Roe v. Wade, everything that has happened since, and the battles for life that are still being fought in states across the nation


A Prescription to Kill: A Conversation with Dr. Ingrid Skop

Over the last few years, European countries have conducted high-quality studies linking pregnancy outcomes with deaths. They found that a woman is six times as likely to commit suicide in the year following an abortion than following childbirth. Further data illustrates those countries with strict anti-abortion laws—like Poland—have the lowest maternal mortality rates and almost zero abortions. Meanwhile, the United States has the highest maternal mortality rate. Dr. Skop has been an obstetrician for over 30 years. Throughout her career, she has seen women who have been harmed by abortion, and now, with a dramatic increase in chemical abortions, even more women are being harmed. We can change course and improve our maternal mortality rates, but if we are going to be effective, we must first understand the issue.

Press Release

My Faith Votes on SCOTUS mifepristone ruling: ‘this evil drug will ultimately be off the market’


No, Latino Christians Do Not Support Abortion

A recent poll conducted for the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and My Faith Votes tested attitudes toward abortion among Latino voters.

Press Release

My Faith Votes: ‘Enshrining Prop 5 into Vermont’s Constitution will erode protections of the most vulnerable and undermine the rights of parents.’

Press Release

My Faith Votes moves people of faith from pews to polls with 100k+ church outreach campaign

Campaign alerts 100,000+ pastors to key ballot issues in their states including abortion and marijuana.

Press Release

New poll: Hispanic evangelicals say ‘game over’ to Democrats over abortion policies

Hispanics keep moving right, led by evangelicals. September poll commissioned by My Faith Votes and the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, conducted by Heart & Mind Strategies.


A Conversation with Lt. Col. Allen West: What's At Stake

With over 100,000 elections taking place in 2022, there is a lot at stake for our communities, states, and nation this year. Jason Yates, My Faith Votes CEO, candidly talks with Lt. Col. Allen West about the critical upcoming Midterm Election...and that it all boils down to individual rights.


A Conversation with Ken Ham: Why Understanding Genesis is Foundational to the Christian Worldview

If we truly understand what it means to think correctly as Christians, our worldview has a position on everything. We may not know all the details, but we have a position because we start with the authority of the word of God. And that foundation comes from Genesis 1 to 11. In this insightful conversation between Ken and My Faith Votes, CEO, Jason Yates, Ken brings simple clarity and bold authority to issues we are facing both in culture and within the church. Issues like abortion, racism, gender, and marriage and questions like “How can there be a loving God if there is death and suffering in the world?”

Press Release

My Faith Votes CEO Jason Yates on the SCOTUS Dobbs decision: "We celebrate this massive victory and continue fighting for life for all humankind.”


If You Can Vote, You Can Advance the Kingdom of God

God used my story to cultivate a personal burden in my heart for young mothers and the unborn. I thank God for entrusting me to participate in this work alongside him.


A Conversation with Melissa Ohden: Will Roe v. Wade Be Overturned?

She survived an abortion and now she's an advocate for life. Melissa Ohden was on the steps of the Supreme Court this week as they heard the pivotal Dobbs case that could overturn Roe v. Wade. Watch here.

Press Release

CEO of My Faith Votes: 'President Biden has disregarded the Constitution and shaken our nation's foundation by stealing our freedoms out from under us'

No person should ever be subjected to harassment, coercion, or sanctions for making an informed, voluntary decision in regard to vaccines that have not been tested for their long-term impact. Government overreach has hit the tipping point.


A Conversation with Don Bentley

A decorated veteran of the War in Afghanistan, Don Bentley, shares his feelings as he has watched the evacuation unfold.


A Conversation with NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson

From concerned citizen to Lt. Gov in two years, Mark Robinson is blazing a new trail in North Carolina politics and standing for biblical values in all he does.


She survived a saline infusion abortion; now she advocates for life

"No matter what administration is in office, ordinary people like you and me, who are committed and involved at the grassroots level are the solution. We are called to serve, we’re called to speak up and speak out, we’re called to be light, even more so in an increasingly dark time."


Being a Mother is not "Too Much"

The truth is, in 1972, before this generation of moms was even born, our society made a decision affecting hundreds of millions of parents and children. When abortion was legalized, we wrote it into law; women can choose if a child would be “too much.”



On Thursday, May 6, The National Day of Prayer celebrates 70 years of prayer for America. Originally signed into law in 1952, the National Day of Prayer is a day set aside to pray for our nation.


My Faith Votes Conversation with Skillet's John Cooper


My Faith Votes Conversation with Seth Gruber


Lift Up America, Event Replay


How Then Shall We Vote, Event Replay


A Prayer for America

Lord, this is a dark and dangerous time for our country. Our politics is full of hate, and it is spilling over in how we think of and treat each other.


Promise Keepers and My Faith Votes

Calling on men to stand together for our nation.


Abortion and the Believer

I was shocked when I read the statistics. Research shows that 70 percent of women who get abortions identify as “Christians.” How could this be true? Don’t Christians believe the Bible is the Word of God? Don’t they know what it says about the sanctity of every human life?


My Faith Votes Conversation with Abby Johnson

Watch our conversation with Abby Johnson to learn what's currently happening on the abortion front in our nation and what we can do to stand for life.


Abortion in the Coronavirus Age

A stunning order from Jay Inslee (D), governor of Washington state, just hammered home the unrelenting obsession that some in this country have with legalized abortion.


Threats, Justices and the War on Abortion

In an unprecedented move, Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer threatened Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh at a rally in front of the Supreme Court.

Election Watch

Election Watch - Feb 11, 2020

Buttigieg on the Bible, Abortion, and Trusting Women


Fostering Hope in the City of Sin

Fostering Hope is working alongside churches in the Las Vegas valley to grow the number of certified foster families, provide ongoing support for current foster parents, bring awareness and education to the unmet needs in the valley, and meet the practical needs of local agencies caring for children.


2020 March for Life

An estimated 500,000 people marched yesterday. It wasn’t a protest, it was a march for life. President Trump’s opening remarks to the crowd ignited excitement; “It is my profound honor to be the first president in history to attend the March for Life!”


Why Abortion Wasn’t a Hot Topic in the Democratic Debates

Twenty candidates sparred over the economy, immigration, healthcare, and racism during the 2-night Democratic debate, but there’s one issue they don’t fight over – abortion.

Press Release

My Faith Votes Applauds HHS Decision to Discontinue Use of Fetal Tissue from Abortions for Research

DALLAS — Jason Yates, CEO of My Faith Votes, issues the following statement following the announcement by HHS that human fetal tissue obtained from elective abortions will no longer be used in research conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).


Fighting for Life

Georgia legislators have passed a bill banning abortion after the baby has a detectable heartbeat, which is around six weeks, unless the pregnancy endangers the mother’s life or poses “substantial and irreversible physical harm” to the mother.


Fully Human, Fully Alive

What an amazing ultrasound video—my eleven and a half week grandbaby stretching his legs and “jumping” in my daughter’s womb! We could see the tiny heart beating, and it became crystal clear that this little creation wasn’t just a “piece of tissue” but a living being.


Unique From Day One

My Faith Votes sat down with one of the keynote speakers of this year's March for Life, Abby Johnson, where she explained the power behind this year’s theme, “Unique from Day One.”


A Conversation With Michele Bachmann

Jason Yates, My Faith Votes, recently sat down with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, former Congresswoman from Minnesota and former Presidential candidate, to glean her insight on the cultural moment we are living in and how Christians can bring biblical answers to our communities.

Press Release

House Democrats Make Abortion Funding Top Priority

Jason Yates, CEO of My Faith Votes, issues the following statement in response to the passage of legislation in the U.S. House to reopen the government that includes funding for pro-abortion initiatives.

Press Release

Judge Kavanaugh Statement

Jason Yates, CEO of My Faith Votes, releases a statement in response to President Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Press Release

My Faith Votes Applauds Bipartisan Effort in ‘Fighting for the Vulnerable’

There is no greater purpose than for our leaders to uphold the dignity of every person, and this legislation is a fantastic step forward in the fight to protect the life and liberty of those threatened by sexual exploitation.


See Which Senators Voted No on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

This vote not only failed to acknowledge fundamental science but it ignored the voice of the majority of Americans. According to a recent Marist and Knights of Columbus poll, 76% of Americans don’t support abortion after 12 weeks of pregnancy.


Every Year We Abort 1.5 Million Babies While Over 3 Million Families Are in Line to Adopt

There are four to five million couples waiting to adopt a baby. In fact, statistics tell us that for every baby placed for adoption there are 36 couples waiting for their turn to adopt.


Alabama Advances Faith-Based Measures

My Faith Votes commends Alabama legislators for recently approving two important measures for the faith community. The first allows voters to decide if a “right to life” protection will be included in the state’s constitution. The second would grant religious freedom protections to adoption service providers.


George Barna: Worldview And The State Of The Church (Video)

What does it mean to have a biblical worldview? Do the majority of Americans hold a biblical worldview? George Barna of the American Culture & Faith Institute recently conducted a massive research study on this topic, and the results may surprise you.