Take Action for Life!

Thanks again for taking action in the fight for life! Our goal is to equip and mobilize pro-life generations that will abolish abortion, and we are thrilled to have your support. We’ve compiled five powerful ways to start making a difference today to advance a culture of life in America.
1. Send a Pro-Life Message to Your Elected Leaders
Use our simple and easy tool to send a message to your representatives in Congress, state legislators and Governor. Let them know that you stand in support of life and urge them to protect all life. There are 90 million Christians in the United States and millions more who believe in the sanctity of life for every pre-born baby. When we act together, our voices cannot be ignored.
Contact Your Elected Officials Now2. Join the Pro-Life Prayer Movement
Nothing is more powerful than prayer. Pray for the women facing the decision between abortion or life for their pre-born baby. Pray for the men and women affected by abortion, that they would experience God’s healing. And pray for God to open the eyes of the abortion workers, that the veil of deception would be removed their hearts would be softened to receive truth. Visit 40 Days for Life to learn more about reaching your community with prayer. We’ve also developed a prayer guide containing nine focused prayer points so that you can pray with others across the nation for a culture of life.
Download the Culture of Life Prayer Guide3. Learn about 20 Easy Ways to Stand for Life
You have endless opportunities to roll-up your sleeves and start making an impact on the pro-life cause. There are tools available to help you influence others to support life, serve those considering abortion or affected by abortion, and so many more. We’ve compiled a list of ideas to get you started. If we all take action, we can change our communities and transform our nation’s culture.
Learn About 20 Easy Ways to Stand for Life4. Know That the Abortion Pill Process May Be Reversed
Well over half of all abortions in the US are now chemical abortions. There is an unprecedented push to legalize and make available the 2-step abortion pill, essentially turning homes into abortion clinics. Few know that a pregnancy may be saved if a woman changes her mind after the first dose of the abortion pill. But action is needed quickly.
Abortion Pill Reversal Information5. Volunteer with Pro-Life Organizations
Change starts at the local level. We encourage you to connect with a pro-life organization to begin advocating for a culture of life in your community. See the list below of phenomenal pro-life organizations and get connected.

40 Days for Life is a community-based campaign that takes a determined, peaceful approach to showing local communities the consequences of abortion in their own neighborhoods, for their own friends and families. Help take the pro-life message to every corner of your community during a local 40 Days for Life campaign.

Sidewalk Advocates for Life provides a comprehensive sidewalk advocacy training, tools, and support program to those who feel called to peacefully reach out to abortion-bound women and men with life-affirming options. To build or join a life-saving team in your community, please visit Sidewalk Advocates for Life.

Students for Life battles Planned Parenthood every day on over 1,200 campuses across the country and we are glad you want to get more involved! Students for Life groups bring a message Life to campus, while combating the lies of the abortion industry, in order to change hearts and minds and empower women to choose Life. Find out how you or a student you know can start a Students for Life group on your campus today.

Embrace Grace works to inspire and equip the church to love on single and pregnant young women and their families. Most churches advocate life and discourage women from getting abortions, but a lot of times, the church the has nothing to offer her for support at that point. She is then left with nine months of being scared, worried and feeling alone.

Heartbeat International is the most expansive network of pro-life pregnancy centers in the world. Heartbeat has over 2,600 affiliated pregnancy help locations including pregnancy help medical clinics, resource centers, maternity homes, and adoption agencies. Locate and reach out to a pregnancy care clinic in your area through the Heartbeat network and see how you can volunteer or donate.

Care Net offers compassion, hope, and help to anyone considering abortion by presenting them with realistic alternatives and Christ-centered support through our life-affirming network of pregnancy centers, churches, organizations, and individuals. Locate and reach out to a local Care Net Center in your area and see how you can volunteer or donate.
Find additional resources for abortion workers, abortion healing, and pregnancy support on the Unplanned website.