The Dangerous Business of Proclaiming Christ
True Christians in the West are by default becoming more and more distinct from the surrounding culture. As the culture quickly slips into neo-paganism, proclaiming Christ is becoming more and more dangerous and offensive. This can have a devastating effect on our relationships, our reputations, and even our jobs.
National Voter Registration Sunday Success
My Faith Votes volunteers and church leaders across 42 states participated in the first-ever National Voter Registration Sunday.
Religious Freedom and Its Power to Unite Christians
“It is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand,” said John Adams, second President of the United States.
Every Vote Matters
With over 80,000 local and state elections taking place across the nation this year, it’s important to look back on just how incredibly close some of the state legislative races were in 2018.
Our Constitution is Remarkable
Constitution. For most people that word brings to mind the image of an old, fragile piece of parchment. But consider the word a little longer than that initial image. What does constitution really mean?
Critical Updates from the Religious Freedom Summit
My Faith Votes was honored to have our Chairman Sealy Yates attend the Second Annual Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom Summit in Washington D.C last week. We talked with Sealy to learn more about the event, the critical takeaways for Christians, and how we can speak out on behalf of the persecuted and the voiceless across the world. Read our full conversation below.