My Faith Votes | Care - Weekly Devotional

Weekly Devotional

Care - Weekly Devotional

This week's focus: Care

Care is defined as:

  • painstaking or watchful attention
  • regard coming from desire or esteem
  • a person or thing that is an object of attention, anxiety, or solicitude

Father, I thank you today for the ways you have shown me care. I thank you for your care for your people in America. I pray, Lord, that you would fill the hearts of your people with your care for others. Give us opportunities to proclaim the Good News, to tell of your salvation “good and loud” in the heart of your care. Give us your shepherd’s heart for the lost in our nation as we engage publicly this election season.

Isaiah 40:10-11 (MSG)

“Climb a high mountain, Zion. You’re the preacher of good news. Raise your voice. Make it good and loud, Jerusalem. You’re the preacher of good news. Speak loud and clear. Don’t be timid! Tell the cities of Judah, ‘Look! Your God!’ Look at him! God, the Master, comes in power, ready to go into action. He is going to pay back his enemies and reward those who have loved him. Like a shepherd, he will care for his flock, gathering the lambs in his arms, hugging them as he carries them, leading the nursing ewes to good pasture.”

Prayer Points:

  • As the impeachment hearings roll on, take time to pray for each person on the House Intelligence Committee, the committee overseeing the proceedings. Pray for truth and justice to prevail, pray for our President and pray for national unity to be restored. We’ve created a prayer guide here.
  • In a recent study, less than half of US evangelicals say they identify as “pro-life.” While the majority of Americans believe that life begins at or before the heartbeat, the majority of evangelicals, as well as Catholics, identify as pro-choice. Pray against the deception that life is just a “choice” and pray for Christians to stand boldly for a life-affirming biblical worldview in this distorted culture.

We want to see God honored in America, and we pray for an unprecedented spiritual awakening.
This devotion was produced in partnership with Every Home for Christ.
This ministry is made possible by the generous support of friends like you.


