Volume 2 • Issue 2 | Summer 2018 | America’s Future


America is mired in instability, incivility, and lawlessness. Call me old-fashioned, or call me simple, but from my chair down here in Louisiana, families are broken. Kindness is in short supply. Americans are addicted.

Simply put, America has fallen for Satan’s lie that biblical virtues are outdated.

The liberal left has declared that Solomon’s wisdom and the fruit of the Spirit are dead. And people are believing it!

We have political correctness on one side and biblical correctness on the other. Political correctness produces corruption and degradation. Biblical correctness produces virtue: goodness, love, joy, and gentleness. Love God and love each other…why don’t we try that for a while? Anyone with a brain can conclude that the depravity of political correctness is not the answer.

Our Founding Fathers understood the merits of virtue. Of this, George Washington wrote, “To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian.”

John Adams chimed in too, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”John Adams

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Our Founding Fathers knew America would only be successful when citizens acted in a virtuous manner and elected virtuous leaders who did the same.

There’s a lot of complaining about our leaders today. And why wouldn’t there be? Politicians are increasingly uncivil, disrespectful, and generally lacking in virtue. They attack their opponents with shameless name-calling, occasional far-fetched allegations, and lies to get their way. (For the record, even though I endorsed President Trump in the last election cycle, he’s been guilty of just this kind of behavior.)

So, how should we approach our job of electing virtuous leaders?

First, recognize that the people in office are there based on the votes - and non-votes - of all US citizens. In other words, if you don’t vote, you are voting by allowing the values of others to win. So, you need to be found faithful and vote.

Second, if you elect depraved souls you get depravity. For crying out loud, we need to elect Godly men, or we are going to get more of the same.

Everything I do is vetted through the Bible, even my vote. I vote for someone who believes what the Bible says, and I look at their records and listen to what they say. I exercise the virtue of hard work by doing my homework. You should too.

And if there’s no Godly leader to vote for, find the commonality where you can. Cast your vote for the one that gives us the better choice to remain a Godly republic.

In the end, government leaders come and go. But God is always there. If you have your faith in Jesus, no government will shake your foundation. Keep your faith rooted in truth and share it with your neighbor. That’s the best way to remain a virtuous nation.


