My Faith Votes | WEEKLY NEWS SUMMARY - JULY 27, 2022



In this week's Intersect, read about:

New Poll Shows Kansas Voters Leaning Toward Supporting Pro-Life Ballot Measure

A new poll reveals that a plurality of Kansas voters are likely to support a ballot initiative that would declare that the state’s constitution does not contain a right to abortion. A survey conducted by co/efficient released Monday asked 1,557 Kansas voters for their thoughts on abortion and specifically, whether they planned to support the Value Them Both Amendment. On Aug. 2, the Value Them Both Amendment will appear on the ballot as Kansans head to the polls for the state’s primary election. The proposal would amend the state constitution’s bill of rights to make clear that ‘the constitution of the state of Kansas does not require government funding of abortion and does not create or secure a right to abortion.’” read more at The Christian Post


Kansas voters will be the first in the nation to see a post-Roe abortion question on the ballot. The Value Them Both amendment would clarify that “the constitution of the state of Kansas does not require government funding of abortion and does not create or secure a right to abortion.” In contrast to the pro-abortion talking points, the amendment does not ban abortion. It places the authority to regulate abortion with the elected representatives of the people in the state legislature. My Faith Votes, along with Gov. Mike Huckabee, has not only endorsed the amendment, but has sent 30,000 hand-written letters to Christian voters in Kansas, encouraging them to vote on the critical amendment that will be a bellwether for state pro-life amendments. Now that Roe v. Wade has sent the issue of abortion back to the states, battles are already happening. In Louisiana, the second most pro-life state in the US, state officials have deferred a $39 million line of credit meant for the Sewage and Water Board to build a new power plant from the city of New Orleans where elected officials defiantly refused to enforce the state’s pro-life laws. Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry (R) proposed delaying state funding for city projects until city officials stopped threatening to turn New Orleans into a “sanctuary city” for abortion. Today, Wyoming has become the1 4th state to protect babies from abortions. In March, Republican Gov. Mark Gordon signed the pro-life “trigger” bill (House Bill 92) after it passed the state legislature by a strong majority. From ballot amendments to city council decisions to laws signed by Governors, they are all determined by those who show up to vote. Your vote absolutely matters.


Pray for an army of voters in Kansas to vote in support of life. Pray for voters across the nation to take a firm stance for life at the ballot box. Pray that the world will see abortion for what it is. We’ve been handed an opportunity to shine the light on darkness, pray for the courage to boldly stand for life.


If you are in Kansas, be sure to vote! This ballot measure will be decided August 2nd, it will not be on the November ballot. If you know someone who lives in Kansas, encourage them to stand for life by voting. You can encourage them to find out more here.

House Passes Bill Mandating States Recognize Gay Marriage

“The House of Representatives passed legislation Tuesday that would prohibit states from banning same-sex marriage, spurred on by the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Forty-seven Republicans joined all 220 Democrats in supporting the Respect for Marriage Act. The legislation requires that states recognize gay marriages performed in other states and recognizes gay marriages under federal law.” read more at Daily Caller


This bill was likely born out of fear that the conservative majority on the Supreme Court could overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, which unconstitutionally legalized same-sex marriage nationwide in 2015. Disturbingly, unlike other radical bills in the past year that were destined to fail in the Senate due to the threat of a Republican filibuster, it is possible that enough Republican senators will vote for this bill, which would guarantee its passage. Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council, lamented that shockingly few GOP senators are speaking out in defense of marriage. Conservative commentator Allie Beth Stuckey noted, “the news is not the 157 Republicans voted against codifying what’s referred to as gay marriage, but that 47 didn’t. It wasn’t until 8 years ago that a (slight) majority of Americans supported it. The sexual revolution was quick.” Why is it important for the government to recognize God’s design for marriage? There are three main reasons, and they are also why we must care about stopping this bill: thriving children, a stable society, and the advancement of freedom. Time-tested and sincere beliefs about one man/one woman marriage are the bedrock of American society. We know children need both a mother and a father. Crime rates drop, children thrive, and communities flourish when moms and dads stay married for a lifetime. Without stable marriages and families, more government is needed to pick up the broken pieces–which means more regulation and less freedom for everyone. The traditional family is the glue which holds society together. It’s common sense to protect it. We should also be concerned about how this bill threatens the freedom of the church to minister. A letter sent to U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell by over 80 faith-based organizations explains that the term “no person acting under color of state law,” is vulnerable to broader application. Faith-based foster care and adoption agencies who work with the state could be forced to place children with same-sex couples. A business run by a Christian contracting with the government, and Christian organizations that work with or are significantly funded by the government in order to serve the hurting in their communities could be forced to deny Jesus’ teaching on marriage. “In sum, the proposed Act is far more extreme than codifying Obergefell (the 2015 Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage) …and it is dishonest for its sponsors to claim otherwise. Through its sweeping language and creation of new and broad enforcement mechanisms, the bill multiplies the threats against tens of millions of Americans who in ‘good faith’ proclaim a marriage view with which the Act’s sponsors disagree, while laying the foundation for increased federal action and litigation against them.”


Sovereign Lord, You, the Creator of marriage, told us, “What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” (Matthew 19:6) Both the church and society have often ignored your command; forgive us, Lord. Today, we ask for Your grace to empower us to live in obedience to Your boundaries–which are for our good–and call our leaders to do the same. Let enough Senators stand against this bill so that it will not pass and let us support strong marriages and families.


Weakening the institution of marriage by devaluing its traditional role would threaten the very foundation of our nation, so H.R. 8408 must be stopped. The "Respect for Marriage Act" could REQUIRE everyone to honor any type of "pseudo-marriage” states might allow. It puts Christians who hold a biblical worldview of marriage in the crosshairs of culture and under threat of civil action through its broad enforcement mechanisms. Send a message to your Senators with this easy-to-use tool to urge them to vote NO. Your action is critical.

Concerned Moms Reveal Deciding-Vote Issues

“As a recent Fox News poll shows the majority of American moms feel ‘extremely’ motivated to participate in the upcoming midterm elections, some parents are speaking out about which issues will decide their votes. ‘There's no shock anymore about how expensive things are,’ Texas mother of seven Tina Aviles said on ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ Sunday. ‘The policies that are in effect are hitting my pocketbook and hitting the pocketbooks of moms across America.’ Aviles expressed she’s noticed a shift in Americans’ perception on what has caused 40-year-high inflation. Other moms voiced education as a top concern ahead of the midterms, ranging from worries over COVID-19 school closures and a lack of alternative school choices.” read more at Fox News


From pandemic protocols and gender ideology to critical race theory, moms have had enough. Moms resolute in determining what’s best for their children are standing for their families, freedom, and their constitutionally protected rights as parents, even running for office in some cases. Sharon McKeeman, a mother of four from California, decided to run for a spot on her children’s school board after she felt educators and leadership undermined the value of the family unit. "The mama bears are awake, and we are active, and I am certain that these local elections can really change the trajectory this year of our nation," McKeeman said. "When our school boards and our city councils look different and have different leadership, that's going to translate to the representatives in our capitals having to behave different as well." With over 81,000 school board seats up for election, this year will be critical for the future of education across the country. Before we get to the General Election on November 8th, there are still impacts to be made in the primaries. Coming up next week, Arizona, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri and Washington will hold primaries on August 2. Tennessee will hold their primary August 4. If you live in any of those states, you can find your ballot information, polling location and the tools you need to PRAY, THINK, and VOTE all right here.


Heavenly Father, we thank You for working in the hearts and minds of parents and drawing their attention to the education of America’s children. We pray for strength and boldness to be given to them as they advocate for their children and step up to lead reform in their own communities. We pray for the children who will spend roughly 16,000 hours from kindergarten through 12th grade in the education system. We ask that their days will be filled with opportunities to see Your greatness in the learning process, that they would not be swayed by anything that opposes You or Your Word, and that they would learn to magnify Your traits as they learn about the world around them.


Whether the new school year starts soon, or classes are already underway, it’s a good time to develop the habit of praying for your local schools. You can sit in your car across from the school, walk around the perimeter of its property, or pray from the comfort of your home; the main point is to intentionally keep your local schools in prayer. Download these scripture references that can help guide your prayer.

Michigan Football Coach Jim Harbaugh Reveals Stance on Abortion

“The national debate around abortion has come to the college football community after Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh came out on the pro-life side. Harbaugh and his wife, Sarah, spoke at the Plymouth Right to Life event, which raises money for pro-life charities in the state of Michigan. ‘In God’s plan, each unborn human truly has a future filled with potential, talent, dreams and love,’ Harbaugh said, via Detroit Catholic.” read more at FanNation


What is particularly impressive about Harbaugh’s statements is that he didn’t simply say he is personally opposed to abortion. He also believes the government has a responsibility to protect the unborn. "There are many things one may hold to be immoral, but the government appropriately allows because of some greater good or personal or constitutional right. Ultimately, I don’t believe that is the case with abortion,” he stated. Harbaugh’s statements have received predictable backlash, including at least one call for him to be fired. His pro-life stance has drawn attention even from the sports world. In an interview with ESPN, he said he tells his players and staff that if they face an unplanned pregnancy, they should choose life for their baby. “...and if at that time, you don't feel like you can care for it, you don't have the means or the wherewithal, then Sarah and I will take that baby,” he said. Think about the impact he is having on his players, and the example he is setting for them. It’s a good reminder to stand for life wherever our sphere of influence may be. Another person who drew some arrows for her pro-life stance is Dr. Kristin Collier, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Michigan. A petition was circulated by students to remove her from being the keynote speaker at their White Coat Ceremony because she is pro-life. The petition failed, but several dozen students walked out in protest as she began her speech, which did not even mention abortion. She was disrespected simply for her beliefs. But those beliefs are worth being mocked or insulted for. Many are vehement in their attacks against pro-lifers because they are convicted of their sin. But Jesus still wants them to receive His offer of forgiveness, and we have the honor of proclaiming that good news. My friend, Dr. Steve Hammond, has a powerful testimony as a former abortionist that I encourage you to watch and share. “No matter whether a woman celebrates her abortion, or is grieved by her abortion, there is a wound there,” he says. “And how you deal with that—there’s only one way. And that’s through Jesus Christ.” He continues, “These hands destroyed over seven hundred babies…I want to tell you, Jesus has forgiven me. He takes all of that sin; He takes all of my guilt and my shame—it’s gone. And that same freedom is there for you…He took my abortion sins with Him, and He can take yours, too.”


“You, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you.” (Psalm 86:5) Thank you that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Jesus, thank You for taking my guilt on the cross, dying for my sins, and rising again, giving me Your righteousness. Help me to live for You, speaking the truth in love, and telling others what You have done for me and can do for them.


The guilt and shame from having or participating in an abortion can be crushing. But Jesus says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29) Healing is possible, and Unplanned has information on ministries to help anyone who has been affected by abortion or is facing an unplanned pregnancy. We encourage you to visit their website and take advantage of their resources.

My Faith Votes— is a ministry that motivates, equips, and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth. An estimated 25 million Christians who are registered to vote, fail to vote in presidential elections. My Faith Votes is on a mission to change this statistic by helping Christians act on their faith and vote in every election. When we pray unceasingly for our nation, think biblically about the issues, and vote consistently in every election the impact of Christians taking action from the local to the state and federal level will be unprecedented.

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