UPCOMING FEBRUARY PRIMARIES: Nevada Caucus* and Virgin Islands Thursday, February 8; South Carolina, February 24; Michigan, February 27. Check out My Voter Hub for voting and ballot information for your state.
*"None of These Candidates" won in Nevada's confusing Republican primary yesterday. Republicans will also caucus Thursday.
In this week's Intersect, read about:
Mayorkas Avoids Impeachment as House Republicans Fail to Muster Votes
“Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas escaped history Tuesday after House Republicans fell short in their attempt to impeach him, failing to muster enough support within their own ranks. GOP leaders had hoped to make him the first sitting Cabinet secretary ever to be impeached, but they fell short. Four Republicans joined with Democrats in sinking the effort, one of whom changed his vote at the last minute.” read more at The Washington Times
- The vote was tied 215-215 until Rep. Blake Moore (R-UT) switched his vote to “no” just before the vote closed, a procedural move that allows the measure to be reconsidered at a later date. Why did Republicans want Mayorkas impeached? Accusations included “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law” regarding immigration, and “breach of public trust.” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), who voted for impeachment, said “The secretary is being impeached for what he did wrong. He is in fact guilty as alleged. But in fact, he is just part of the high crimes and misdemeanors of the president of the United States.” The Republicans who disagreed with the move to impeach Mayorkas argued that it did not pass constitutional muster.
- Speaking of immigration, the effort to pass the Senate’s bipartisan border bill collapsed on Tuesday after Republicans backed away from the package, effectively punting on the issue until after November. The 370-page bill, H.R. 815, would have allowed up to 5,000 illegal immigrants per day to enter the country for seven consecutive days before requiring Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to “activate the border emergency authority.” However, Republicans opposing the bill noted that it would give President Biden the power to suspend the emergency authority for 45 days, effectively nullifying that provision.
- Perhaps most fundamentally, the bill supported the lie that the president can’t secure the border right now without congressional action. Hans von Spakovsky explained in an op-ed, “[F]ederal immigration law already gives Biden the ability to close the border—and he, his advisers, and his political allies know it.”
Heavenly Father, we need Your mercy and wisdom for ourselves and our officials. Please move our government to uphold the law and protect its citizens. Help each of us to not grow bitter or weary in doing good, but to continue carrying out our responsibility to vote according to biblical principles with our hope fixed on You.
Last week, 1,054 of you sent a message to your Governor, asking them to stand with Texas and secure the border. Thank you! Now the President needs to hear from you. Use this simple tool to send a message to President Biden, urging him to follow through on his duty and responsibility to secure the border now.
Oregon Supreme Court Bars Republican Senators Who Participated in Walkout from Reelection
“Republican senators who participated last year in the longest walkout in state history cannot seek reelection in 2024 or 2026, the Oregon Supreme Court ruled Thursday. In a unanimous decision, the court rejected arguments from five Republican senators that Measure 113, a voter-approved 2022 law meant to dissuade lawmakers from walking out and shutting down the legislative process, was poorly worded and would give them another term in office. Instead, the court agreed with state attorneys, who urged justices to consider voters’ intent with the 2022 law, which bars any lawmaker with 10 or more unexcused absences from serving another term.” read more at the Oregon Capital Chronicle
- Why did they walk out in the first place? We covered this story last June, drawing attention to the fact that they walked out to force Democrats to agree to several compromises on two radical pro-abortion bills, including one that would have stripped parents of their right to be involved in their child’s abortion decisions. In the end they amended the pro-abortion bill and killed a second, Senate Joint Resolution 33, which would have amended the state constitution to create a ‘right’ to unrestricted abortion on demand, according to Oregon Right to Life. The walkout lasted six weeks — the longest in state history — stalling hundreds of bills.
- The ruling means 10 Republican senators (one-third of the state’s Senate) are ineligible for reelection with six affected in 2024 and four in 2026. The senators opposed the ruling in a statement. “We obviously disagree with the Supreme Court’s ruling. But more importantly, we are deeply disturbed by the chilling impact this decision will have to crush dissent,” said state Sen. Tim Knopp, the chamber’s Republican minority leader. Knopp said he didn’t plan to appeal the decision or join a separate federal lawsuit filed by three Republican senators challenging their disqualification from the ballot. A federal judge in December ruled against the three lawmakers, and they have appealed the decision to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
- Where do YOU draw the line? Like these Senators, you and I are going to face decisions. There are the moments of choice to follow culture or obedience to God. In the workplace, on the sports team, in how we raise our children, at the ballot box, and so on, our choices reveal our character. Don’t assume you’ll stand firm. Equally, don’t assume you will have to give in. We must draw the line where we are told to disobey God (Acts 5:29); we must also draw it where we are asked to compromise on a matter that our conscience tells us will undermine our identity as a Christian (Romans 14:23). Think through where to draw the lines you will not cross.
Proverbs 14:34 says, Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Lord, may we be found righteous.
I’m grateful that my state representative is a Christ follower, willing to stand for biblical principles despite the legislature she works in which often pushes through legislation that stands against biblical truth. She recently told me that one of the things that keeps her going is knowing there are people praying for her. There is power in prayer! Will you commit today to pray for those who represent you? No matter where they stand (and especially if they are against biblical principles), they need your prayers. Use this prayer guide and tool that will help you pray for them AND let them know you are praying for them.
Six Pro-Life Advocates Face 11 Years in Prison for Protesting Abortion After Joe Biden Targets Them
“Six pro-life Americans face over a decade in prison for allegedly violating a federal law during their abortion protest. The charges against them stemmed from a massive campaign of political persecution the Biden administration brought against pro-life rescuers for protesting abortion inside abortion centers. In 2021, the US Department of Justice charged seven individuals with violating the FACE Act (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances), which stipulates that individuals cannot block the entrance to abortion clinics or prevent individuals from accessing them. An additional four activists were charged with misdemeanor charges.” read more at LifeNews.com
- The Daily Citizen reports, “The charges stem from the pro-life activists’ blockade of Carafem Health Center Clinic [an abortion facility] in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. On March 5, 2021, the activists blocked entrance to the clinic and began to pray and sing Christian hymns. Police demanded the activists leave – some complied, while others refused to do so.” A sentencing hearing for six of the pro-life protestors has been set for July 2. At least one is planning to appeal.
- According to 1 Peter 2:14, the government—even secular governments—are supposed to “punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good.” This is exactly the opposite. The FBI sent armed men to arrest one of these peaceful pro-life protestors at his house, while the Senate staffer who filmed homosexual pornography in a Senate committee room isn’t being charged with a crime. “My body, my choice,” is upheld as a moral imperative in our culture and federal government—and those who oppose this twisted ethic can face harsh consequences.
- Family Research Council pointed out, “In June, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced it had prosecuted 18 FACE Act cases against 48 people–most of them peaceful pro-life protesters.” A fact sheet by Senator Mike Utah (R-UT) notes, “While the FACE Act includes protections for churches and other houses of worship, these protections are redundant of other federal laws and have never been enforced.”
- Last September, Senator Lee and Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) introduced legislation in the House and Senate to repeal the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. Both bills have been referred to the Judiciary Committee in their chamber. The House bill will have a better chance of being considered. Please see the ACT section for what you can do to help this bill progress.
Lord, we pray for ultimate justice for those who were protesting the murder of unborn children. We pray for justice in our laws. And we pray for repentance and revival and a desire to uphold the sanctity of life.
After almost 30 years, it's time to repeal the FACE Act. In September of 2023, Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) introduced H.R. 5577, FACE Act Repeal Act of 2023. For it to be brought up for a vote, it first needs to have a judiciary hearing. Click here to send a message to your US Representative, asking them to push for a hearing to keep the legislation moving forward.
'America Needs God': Lawmakers Join Evangelical Leaders in Repentance
“Intercessors around the world gathered for a day of prayer on Wednesday, January 31st, to ‘pray prayers of serious repentance’ for America. The National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance took place at the Museum of the Bible.” read more at CBN News
- My Faith Votes had team members participating at the National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance. They shared that legislators, pastors, young people and so many more were praying for repentance. Over 100 dignitaries from across the globe were also praying for repentance over their own nations. It was a powerful morning, and we look forward to seeing how God uses these prayers to transform our nation and the world. You can watch a replay of the gathering here.
- House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) led a prayer, saying in an “era of completely divided government,” we must seek wisdom and counsel from the Lord.” Johnson’s prayer was accompanied by the prayers of at least 21 representatives and senators from roughly 15 states. Rolling Stone Magazine and the Southern Poverty Law Center excoriated Johnson for “appearing at a hate group summit” and “gathering far-right Christians and extremist pastors to mourn LGBTQ+ freedoms, abortion, and non-believers.” As 1 John 3:13 reminds us, we shouldn’t be surprised that the world hates us.
- The very next day, Johnson attended the annual National Prayer Breakfast alongside President Biden. Biden called for people across the country to not "look at each other as enemies, but as fellow Americans.” He concluded his remarks saying, “Let’s remember who the hell we are. We’re the United States of America. It’s all about dignity and respect.” But his words reveal a stark contrast from his actions. The Biden administration has repeatedly made Christians the “enemy” by seeking to restrict religious freedom, advance the most pro-abortion policies of any president, and push a radical gender ideology agenda. Biden's speech was very different from the prayers prayed the day before where each prayer had a recognition of God’s sovereignty, providence, and love, and how He is the only one capable of redeeming our lives and nations.
In 1863, President Lincoln issued a proclamation calling for national humiliation, fasting, and prayer. It said, in part: “We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth, and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us. It behooves us, then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.”
There is nothing quite as powerful as praying with others. Every Monday, you can join with fellow believers from across this nation to pray! We call it “United. We Pray.” You can join in the morning or evening, whichever is easiest for you. Simply sign up here and you’ll be sent an email with the Zoom link and added prayer points that help guide the prayer time.
My Faith Votes— is a ministry that motivates, equips, and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth. An estimated 25 million Christians who are registered to vote, fail to vote in presidential elections. My Faith Votes is on a mission to change this statistic by helping Christians act on their faith and vote in every election. When we pray unceasingly for our nation, think biblically about the issues, and vote consistently in every election the impact of Christians taking action from the local to the state and federal level will be unprecedented.
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