Immigration Solutions or Political Games?
The politics in Washington D.C. are raging at an all-time high. It’s becoming difficult to distinguish between our representatives who serve on Capitol Hill and actors in a drama.
And one can only wonder if Congress is acting on behalf of their constituents or their 2020 political strategy. Even within their own parties Republicans and Democrats are not in agreement on many of the pressing issues. And certainly Republicans and Democrats don’t see eye to eye. Congress is in gridlock.
Amid Congress’s political debates, President Trump continues to negotiate trade deals, work on infrastructure and immigration, and put forward the plans he promised to the American people.
According to a Rasmussen Poll, voters believe illegal immigration remains the most crucial issue for Congress. However, 72 percent of voters lack confidence that President Trump and Democrats will work together.
We know America has an illegal immigration problem, and we need serious and comprehensive steps taken to address the foundational issues in both securing the border and fixing the immigration process.
On May 16, President Trump explained in more detail his immigration plan.
President Trump’s first step, securing the border.
It’s projected that more than one million illegal aliens will enter the United States this year. Our current immigration system actually encourages people to cross the border illegally, which puts themselves and their families in harm's way.
We need a system that not only protects Americans from criminals, terrorists, and drugs flowing across the border, but also protects the immigrant seeking a safe pathway to come to America.
President Trump’s proposal would add 400 miles of border wall in strategic locations and would permit the use of public funding for the wall. Also, the review process for those seeking asylum would be expedited. And with a secure border, child smuggling would be made near impossible.
Building a border wall would solve the many problems that a nation faces when it fails to secure its border.
Next President Trump’s proposal would implement a merit-based immigration system - a change that would dramatically reform America’s current immigration process.
The majority of immigrants who come to America are admitted either through the visa lottery system or because of family relationship to someone already with legal status in the United States.
The new system would still provide priority to the immediate family of legal immigrants but would introduce what Trump calls the “Build America Visa,” which will admit immigrants based off of their skill sets.
President Trump said, “We want immigrants coming in; we cherish the open door, but a big proportion of those immigrants should come in through merit and skill."
Today only 12 percent of immigrants come to America based off of their skill and merit. This is significantly lower compared to Canada, where 63 percent of immigration is based on skill and merit, and Japan at 52 percent. The “Build America Visa,” would admit 57 percent of immigrants on merit and skill.
The President’s plan has been made clear, but the real question is, will Congress discuss it, debate it, and vote on it?
For too long, we have played political games with immigration policy. We’re thankful for the bold leadership of the president. He is focused on the best interests of our citizens and those seeking to come to our nation legally.
We are particularly encouraged by the president’s priorities to stop the flood of child smuggling, provide legitimate asylum to those who have been persecuted and need our help the most, and close loopholes for criminals and gang members.
Now let’s just hope Congress will roll up their sleeves and do their job to solve the immigration problems Americans are asking them to address.
My Faith Votes— is a ministry that motivates, equips, and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth. An estimated 25 million Christians who are registered to vote, fail to vote in presidential elections. My Faith Votes is on a mission to change this statistic by helping Christians act on their faith and vote in every election. When we pray unceasingly for our nation, think biblically about the issues, and vote consistently in every election the impact of Christians taking action from the local to the state and federal level will be unprecedented.
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A friend of mine just sent me an email saying that he just got off of a website called "myfaithvotes.org. He told me that the website leads you to believe that a vote for President Trump would be devastating to our country and that we must vote for Joe Biden. I have just read a few articles and I feel that he is wrong. I'm confused how he came to that conclusion.
I am voting for President Trump because I feel that he will save Christianity. Are you suggesting that we vote for President Trump or Joe Biden? Please help!