My Faith Votes

Search Results For jennifer mcalister


    If You Can Vote, You Can Advance the Kingdom of God

    God used my story to cultivate a personal burden in my heart for young mothers and the unborn. I thank God for entrusting me to participate in this work alongside him.


    How Then Shall We Respond?

    Masks may cover the mouth and nose but they don’t cover the windows to our souls, and when I looked in his eyes, I saw fear. My irritation was quickly replaced by concern that enabled me to see him in a different light. He was scared and his fear disguised itself as anger.


    With An Unveiled Face


    Contagious Christians

    The reality of the coronavirus disruption should motivate us like never before to share the good news of the gospel while we still can. We’ve seen how our world has changed almost overnight and how quickly things can go from bad to worse.