My Faith Votes | The Baggage Keeper

Weekly Devotional

The Baggage Keeper

This week's focus: Peace

After a long night of sleeplessness caused by worrying about things out of my control, I opened my Bible, and it fell to 1 Samuel 17:22,

“Then David left his baggage in the care of the baggage keeper, and ran to the battle line…”

I love how God’s word is living and active. I’ve read this verse before, but it spoke to me differently this time. It seems David understood the importance of leaving the weight he was carrying with someone whose job was to keep it. David needed to lighten his load before he could help himself and others by “handing his baggage over.”

David set down his physical supplies, but weight can also be spiritual and mental. Each of us carries “baggage” that we must set down. We determine the heaviness of our load by how many needless items we pack. When we lug around unforgiveness, worry, self-sufficiency, and regret, we will feel the crushing effects of anger, fear, loneliness, and grief—burdens far too heavy to carry.

The good news is we don’t have to because we have a strong and mighty God who invites us to cast all our burdens upon Him. When we repent and lay everything down before Jesus, He exchanges it for His peace, and we find rest for our souls. With our load now lightened, we are much better prepared to help others the way God helped us. Even our burdens become blessings if they point to the God of all comfort.

When the world feels heavy, may we always remember to set down our baggage and trust in the only One strong enough to bear the weight.

by: Jennifer McAlister for My Faith Votes

Psalm 55:22

“Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.”

Prayer Points:

Pray: You are a good Father who chooses to carry our burdens. Please remove anything that is not from You and replace it with Your indescribable love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Think: “Each burden we have to carry has once been laid on the shoulders of Immanuel." – Charles H. Spurgeon

Act: Act: In today’s culture, our children are being exposed to subjects far too heavy for them to bear. With schools starting across the US, we strongly encourage you to download our resource to help you prayer walk a school near you. It includes prayer prompts to help you specifically intercede for students, teachers and parents. Include a friend, invite others from your church, or simply walk and pray alone…but let’s surround our schools with prayer.

We want to see God honored in America, and we pray for an unprecedented spiritual awakening.
This devotion was produced in partnership with Every Home for Christ.
This ministry is made possible by the generous support of friends like you.


