My Faith Votes | Are You Safe?

Weekly Devotional

Are You Safe?

This week's focus: Security

In today’s world, we place a high value on safety and tend to worship at the altar of convenience avoiding discomfort at all cost. This should not be the case for God's children.

Throughout scripture, we find that God is glorified and our faith is strengthened when safety and comfort are secondary to following Him. His desire is for us to live in the faith zone—not the safe zone.

When Jesus invited Peter to jump out of a boat during a storm—that wasn’t safe.

When God called Moses to meet Him at the top of Mount Sinai amid thunder, lightning, earthquakes, fire, and smoke—that wasn’t safe.

When the Israelites were being chased by the Egyptian army, they didn’t run away on dry land but instead obeyed and walked straight into a sea—that wasn’t safe.

God is all-powerful and fears nothing. When we understand that our safety and security are only found in Him, we too can be bold and fearless. When we trust and obey His voice, He is glorified, our faith is strengthened, and our love for Him grows.

If Peter chose safety over following Jesus, He would not have experienced the miracle of walking on water.

It took courage for Moses to climb Mount Sinai but had he not, he would have missed being in the presence of God Himself. His faith allowed him to witness God's Shekinah glory as well as the honor of personally speaking with Him.

If the Israelites chose to take the safer path of the hard ground over sinking waters, they would not have been able to witness the power of God to rescue them by miraculously separating the waters of the Red Sea.

Our Heavenly Father commands us not to be afraid or discouraged because He is with us. Jesus never sat on the sidelines, and neither should we. As His representatives, we must be bold and take courage, understanding that a soul sealed by God is eternally safe. For those who have put their faith in Jesus, even death has been conquered and our victory secured.

When we walk with Him, the one who isn’t safe is the enemy of our souls.

We become dangerous.

Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Prayer Points:

Pray: Dear Lord, Thank You that we have nothing to fear with You by our side. May we never sit on the sidelines as spectators but instead be active participants whose actions glorify You and make this world a better place.

Think: Do you tend to live in the safe zone or the faith zone?

Act: THE HISTORY OF VALENTINE'S DAY - February 14 marks the anniversary of St. Valentine of Rome’s martyrdom in A.D. 269. He was executed by the emperor for his Christian faith and for marrying couples when marriage was temporarily illegal. St. Valentine’s life and death demonstrate the high price that can sometimes accompany standing up for Christian values despite pushback from authority or the culture. For us it is a reminder to share love of all kinds with others. It can be an expression of Jesus’ love. One way to do this is to write to those who serve or have served our nation. Here is a link to a variety of organizations that will assist in sending cards or care packages to active military, veterans, and others. It’s a good time to let them know we care.

We want to see God honored in America, and we pray for an unprecedented spiritual awakening.
This devotion was produced in partnership with Every Home for Christ.
This ministry is made possible by the generous support of friends like you.


