My Faith Votes | WEEKLY NEWS SUMMARY - JULY 10, 2024



In this week's Intersect, read about:

Wisconsin Supreme Court Reinstates Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes

“Wisconsin’s liberal-controlled Supreme Court on Friday restored the use of absentee ballot drop boxes in the swing state ahead of the upcoming elections — a reversal of a past decision from the court that could impact voter participation. The 4-3 decision was a win for Democrats who argued the longstanding practice of allowing voters to file ballots into the locked, unmanned boxes made voting more accessible.” read more at Milwaukee Journal Sentinal


  • Elections have consequences. Voters elected a liberal judge last year, flipping the majority from conservative to liberal. The previous conservative court had ruled that drop boxes were against state law. How did this happen? The Federalist noted, “While Republicans and conservative influencers were distracted in spring 2023 with the 2024 GOP presidential primary Democrats made flipping control of Wisconsin’s highest court a top priority.” Dissenting justices criticized the court’s decision as politically motivated, while others speculate this move may impact the swing state's electoral security in November.
  • Today, the House is expected to vote on the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, or SAVE Act, which would require "documentary proof of United States citizenship" to vote in federal elections. The legislation would require non-citizens to be removed from voter registration rolls, require election officials to ask voter registration applicants for proof of citizenship, and open them up to legal consequences if they do not. Democrats argue the legislation would "prevent Americans from registering to vote with their driver's license alone" and would make a passport the "only acceptable standalone form of identification." They added that the bill would create an "extreme burden for countless Americans" and "further intimidate election officials and overburden states' abilities to enroll new voters."
  • In a revealing move, the Biden administration released a policy statement on Monday, strongly opposing the SAVE Act. With an estimated 16.8 million illegal aliens residing in the US, is the President essentially saying they can vote?
  • Voting—the act of choosing who will make the laws we live under—is one of the most important checks on the abuse of power; it protects our liberty. Protecting liberty requires us to provide opportunities for every eligible citizen to vote while guarding against fraud. Contrary to popular narrative, we can do both.


The Bible doesn't address U.S. election laws, so what should a Christian’s view be concerning voting rights and election integrity? The Bible teaches us the importance of upholding values of honesty, fairness, and accountability and calls for righteousness in leadership (Proverbs 20:23, Romans 13:1-7). One of the most powerful things we can do is to pray for our elections, asking God to protect America’s elections and deliver trustworthy results. Use this downloadable AND shareable Election Integrity Prayer Guide to help you pray.


Worried about election integrity? Be a Poll Worker! You can play a significant role in ensuring the integrity of the election process at your local polling location and eliminate instances of election fraud and manipulation if they occur. Start here to become a Poll Worker in your area.

Trump Proposes GOP Platform that Softens Abortion Stance Despite Pleas from Christian Conservatives

“A proposed Republican Party platform backed by presumptive presidential nominee, former President Donald Trump, would soften the pro-life stance of the GOP, removing calls for federal restrictions to abortion access and language opposing same-sex marriage. The 2024 Republican convention platform committee reportedly voted 84-18 on Monday during a closed-door session in favor of the proposed abortion plank, which does not call for a national abortion ban nor a constitutional amendment to protect unborn human life.” read more at the Christian Post


  • While the language leaves the issue of abortion up to the states, some, like Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, believe it still allows for federal pro-life laws by invoking the 14th Amendment, which is supposed to be enforced by Congress. Still, it’s hard to deny what Wallbuilders’ founder David Barton, who served on the platform committee, pointed out: the draft “takes the weakest position on protecting unborn life of any Republican Platform since 48 years ago in 1976, no longer seeking to protect the unalienable right to life as articulated in our founding documents.”
  • Family Research Council founder, Tony Perkins, submitted a minority report with other platform committee members expressing their support for the protection of unborn life as stated clearly in previous platforms. He said, “The submission of a minority report is further evidence that the pro-life movement will continue to advance pro-life principles and policies at every level of government. The right to life transcends other political debates and the interests of all political parties and candidates. It is truly the right without which no other right has any meaning."
  • We as Christian voters cannot become embittered or complacent. We are not bound by a party platform but by a charge from God: “Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.” (Prov. 24:11) Our commitment to protecting life at the ballot box should not waver, even if politicians do.


Heavenly Father, we ask You to give us endurance, courage and hope in You as we seek to uphold justice and righteousness in our country. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Will the GOP's watered-down approach to abortion in the new party platform impact your vote in November? Answer our poll here (and see how others are responding too!)

Right-Wing Disappoints in French Elections After Collusion by Left, Center

“The left in France surged to victory in parliamentary elections over the weekend in a shock performance after weeks of surging momentum for the country’s right wing. The New Popular Front coalition in France is made up of communists, socialists, and greens. The alliance was propelled to victory in the election over the National Rally, France’s right-wing faction, after centrists partnered with the left to block National Rally candidates.” read more at the Daily Wire


  • According to the Associated Press, the New Popular Front is pledging to embark on a costly program of public spending and take a tougher line against Israel because of the war with Hamas. One of their most radical proposals is to institute a 90% tax rate on the rich. However, the leftist coalition did not win a majority. Parliament is split between the New Popular Front, President Emmanuel Macron’s centrists, and the far-right National Rally. We don’t yet know who the next prime minister will be, and whether they will hold leftist or centrist ideologies.
  • In the U.K., the socialist Labour Party defeated the Conservative Party after being in power for 14 years. Sir Keir Starmer, a socialist, is the new prime minister, and his manifesto for government includes lowering the voting age to 16. According to the Christian Post, the result marked the most skewed election in the country's history due to the way parliamentary seats are distributed. The Labour Party only won 33.9% of the vote share, but they represent 63.7% of the seats.
  • What is the significance of these elections? “The welfare state will continue to grow, the economic malaise will deepen, and the downward slope toward Islamism will continue,” one opinion piece stated rather bluntly. Still, God’s sovereignty is a comfort to believers in every nation, knowing that “He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings…” (Dan. 2:21) Keep the government in France and the U.K. in your prayers, and pray that the church will be salt and light as ambassadors for Christ.


Heavenly Father, we look forward to the day when the government will rest upon Christ’s shoulder, and He will reign forever. (Is. 9:6; Ex. 15:18) Let that hope motivate believers in every nation to live faithfully for You in our public and private lives. You are worthy of our love and service.


How should a Christian think about ideas like socialism? Watch Pastor Todd Wagner break this topic down in our THINK Biblically Series, which you can watch free for a limited time!

Competing Nebraska Abortion Petitions Turn in Signatures Seeking Fall Ballot

“Nebraska appears poised to follow six states since the U.S. Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade to vote on the future of abortion rights in its state constitution. It also could be the first state to give its voters competing abortion proposals on the same ballot: one amendment cementing abortion rights and one limiting the procedure. The stakes of both amendments reaching the November ballot could be significant. Privately, both have polled well. If both pass, the one with the most votes would get into the constitution.” read more at Nebraska Examiner


  • Pro-life Nebraskans recently secured over 200,000 signatures in 100 days to put the Protect Women & Children Constitutional Amendment on the November ballot in their state. While the amendment only protects unborn children from abortion in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, if passed, Nebraska would be the first state in the nation to provide constitutional protection to preborn children in a state constitution. However, the abortion industry is circulating a ballot initiative seeking to enshrine a “right to abortion” in the Nebraska Constitution, which would legalize abortion until birth. Both groups had until July 3rd to collect 125,000 valid signatures from at least 38 counties in Nebraska to put the measures on the November ballot. The Nebraska Family Alliance has a helpful breakdown of what’s at stake with both ballot measures. Nebraska currently restricts abortion to 12 weeks gestational age.
  • In Nevada the effort to enshrine abortion rights in the state’s Constitution has qualified for the November ballot after gathering enough signatures, the secretary of state’s office announced Friday. The initiative would establish a “right to abortion” in the Nevada Constitution until fetal viability, except when it is medically necessary to “protect the life or health of the pregnant patient.” In Nevada, abortion is currently legal until 24 weeks of pregnancy. It’s important to note that in Nevada, a citizen-initiated constitutional amendment like this one must pass in two consecutive even-numbered election years. This means the amendment must be approved in both the 2024 and 2026 elections.
  • Voters in 11 states could vote on abortion-related measures in November. Ballot measures are already certified in six states—Colorado, Florida, Maryland, New York, Nevada, and South Dakota. Potential ballot measures are still in play in Montana, Arizona, Arkansas, Missouri, and Nebraska. These are high-stakes elections.


Pray for voters in these states to take a firm stance for life at the ballot box. This is not a time for complacency or indifference. Pray for the courage to boldly protect the sanctity of life, including in the constitutions of our states.


Do you look around, see the problems, and wonder “What can I do?” Join thousands of others in our “Write Now” letter-writing campaign. My Faith Votes has identified Christians in battleground states who are pro-life and pro-traditional family but who are unlikely to vote. We need your help to contact them before Election Day on November 5!

My Faith Votes— is a ministry that motivates, equips, and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth. An estimated 25 million Christians who are registered to vote, fail to vote in presidential elections. My Faith Votes is on a mission to change this statistic by helping Christians act on their faith and vote in every election. When we pray unceasingly for our nation, think biblically about the issues, and vote consistently in every election the impact of Christians taking action from the local to the state and federal level will be unprecedented.

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