My Faith Votes | WEEKLY NEWS SUMMARY - APRIL 24, 2024



Special Announcement: If you live in or near Jefferson City, MO, join us next Wednesday, May 1st, for the Midwest March for Life! We have a group participating. Watch for the My Faith Votes table and signs. Learn more here.

In this week's Intersect, read about:

Biden Administration Finalizes Controversial Title IX Rule to ‘Redefine’ Sex

“The Biden administration finalized its much-anticipated Title IX rules Friday morning, overturning much of the Trump-era rules and expanding the definition of sex to include transgender identities. The new rules only pertain to the sexual harassment and discrimination portions of Title IX, while an open rulemaking process is set to address issues with transgender participation in sports. The sports rules are not likely to be finalized until after the 2024 election.” read more at the Washington Examiner


  • Title IX is a federal civil rights law first enacted in 1972 to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in schools and other educational settings (see history). The whole point of Title IX was to make certain that girls and women were given equity. But you can’t have equity for girls and women and the transgender agenda at the same time. Riley Gaines, a former competitive swimmer who has courageously stood up to those looking to abolish women’s sports, tweeted in response: “The Biden Admin has just officially abolished Title IX as we knew it. Now, sex = gender identity…If the guidelines above are ignored or even questioned, then YOU can be charged with harassment.” The new regulations were laid out by the Department of Education in a staggering 1577-page document.
  • The administration’s move is a part of the federal rule-making process. It’s yet another example of the lamentable dimensions of having an ever-expanding regulatory state or administrative state because it usurps the voter. Legal challenges are anticipated, as critics argue the reinterpretation of Title IX ignores its original intent and disregards public opinion.
  • A biblical understanding of gender in Scripture is clearly stated in Genesis 1:27, "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." Recognizing birth gender aligns with a biblical commitment to live according to the truths presented in the Bible, respecting God’s divine plan and design. Laws to redefine gender are a key debate in the 2024 election and leaders elected this cycle will define the debate and determine outcomes for decades to come. Friday’s move doesn’t just seek to “protect” LGBTQ students. The extreme redefinition of gender poses significant risks to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, equal rights, parental rights, and due process.


Lord, you created us male and female in your perfect and glorious design. To affirm otherwise hurts the very people we are called to love. Help us to pray for those who oppose You and Your truth (Matthew 5:44).


How can we “think biblically” on such divisive cultural topics, as gender? In May, My Faith Votes is thrilled to be launching a Bible Study Series, aptly called “Think Biblically.” We’ve brought together helpful voices to speak on topics such as gender/sexuality, socialism, life, justice, and worldview to help Christians better understand how to apply a biblical worldview to cultural conversations and at the ballot box. This will be a free resource for you and your church! Watch for more details coming soon.

Senate Passes $95 Billion Foreign Aid Bill, Heads to Biden

“After six months, the wrinkle of election-year politics and the threat of a House leadership coup, Congress has passed a long-awaited $95 billion foreign aid bill that has global implications. The Senate on Tuesday approved the package — with a bipartisan 79-18 vote. It also includes legislation that would force TikTok's Chinese parent company to divest from the social media app or face an effective ban in the United States.” read more at USA Today


  • What are we funding? The package includes $60.8 billion in aid for Ukraine, $26.4 billion for Israel, including “worldwide humanitarian aid”, and $8.1 billion for Taiwan and other allies in the Indo-Pacific. It also authorizes the U.S. to seize roughly $5 billion in Russian assets to fund some of the Ukraine aid. It sanctions Russia, Iran, and China, and would ban TikTok from U.S. app stores unless it divests from its Chinese parent company. All four bills had bipartisan support, although over half of House Republicans voted against the aid to Ukraine. On social media, there was significant outrage over Democrats waving the Ukrainian flag on the House floor after the vote. A standalone bill on border security also came to the House floor on Saturday but failed to garner the needed support.
  • In supporting the package, House Speaker Mike Johnson said, “…I’m doing what I believe to be the right thing.” Is it the right thing? Are some of the provisions justified, while others are not? Some argue that we need to prioritize our own needs–like securing the border. Regarding the border, the Senate last week voted to immediately dismiss impeachment charges against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas instead of holding a floor trial or referring the matter to a special committee for review. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) pointed out this is the first time in history that the Senate refused to conduct a trial against a living official currently in office. Mayorkas was impeached in February, partly for refusing to enforce certain immigration laws.
  • Elections have consequences. What do we do when we don’t like the consequences? Political commentator Michael Knowles aptly stated, “No one in politics has lower expectations or greater hope than Christians.” Why are our expectations low? Because we recognize that elected officials, like all humans, are fallen and inherently sinful. They often fall into temptations and make errors in judgment. Why then is our hope so great? Because God will be glorified, regardless. We vote for the candidates who will lessen evil. But when the outcomes aren’t what we hoped, we know God is still working.


Heavenly Father, You are sovereign over world leaders and political events. May Your kingdom come, and Your will be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven. (Matthew 6:10) Help us to be faithful in doing Your will until the return of Christ, Your King. In His name, amen.


My Faith Votes is getting to launch Write Now 2024, our letter writing campaign to motivate and equip Christians to vote in key battleground states like WI, AZ and GA. Many of you have participated in past successful campaigns and we’d love to have you join again. Instructions and guides will be released in June but we’re building an army of volunteers now! Sign up to join Write Now here.

Antisemitism on Campus Surges as Agitators Take Over

“Police removed anti-Israel protesters from Yale’s campus Monday after a week of demonstrations calling for the university to divest from military weapon manufacturers. Students at Columbia University also were told all classes would be held virtually on Monday as anti-Israel protesters have taken over the campus.” read more at Fox Newss


  • On Monday, the President stated, “I condemn the antisemitic protests…I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going with the Palestinians.” Violence has increased on college campuses with leaders failing to stop it. In response, Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) reintroduced the Antisemitism Awareness Act. The Act would “provide for the consideration of a definition of antisemitism set forth by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance for the enforcement of Federal antidiscrimination laws concerning education programs or activities, and for other purposes. Currently, the Department of Education lacks a clear definition.
  • My Faith Votes stands resolutely against antisemitism in all its forms. As Christians, we recognize the inherent dignity of all individuals created in the image of God. Antisemitism not only violates the sanctity of life but contradicts the biblical command to love our neighbors and bless those whom God has blessed. We are deeply concerned about the rise in anti-Semitic incidents and rhetoric on college campuses and institutions in America, which sow division and hatred in our communities and stand against the American value of religious liberty.
  • Two worldviews collided Saturday. A group of My Faith Votes followers, led by our CEO, met inside the Minnesota State Capitol to “prayer walk” the different offices and halls of leadership. As they were praying, a group of about 40 individuals, mostly University of Minnesota students, called The Revolutionary Communists of America, were protesting, holding signs in solidarity with Palestine and chanting “down with U.S. imperialism.” When a few from the MFV group approached the protestors to ask them what they were hoping to accomplish, they couldn’t answer with clarity, only that they were against war with Iran. The MFV group quickly realized they needed to pray for the protesters and elected officials. We should all do the same.


Lord, protect Jewish students on these college campuses. We pray for the vile antisemitism that is growing across our nation to be stopped. We pray for college students across this nation not to be swept up by dangerous ideologies and destructive groupthink, but to know truth, to think critically, and to turn their allegiance to You.


Passover, one of the most widely celebrated Jewish holidays, began Monday and will end Tuesday, April 30. But the Passover season has historically been a time of heightened antisemitism. In Exodus, the Lord told the Israelites to “observe this rite as a statute for you and for your sons forever,” even when in a foreign land. To this day, Jews all over the world celebrate the Passover in obedience to this command. Passover and the story of the exodus have great significance for Christians also, as Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law, including the symbolism of the Passover (Matthew 5:17). Should Christians celebrate Passover? This gives a helpful perspective.

‘That Is Not a Religion’: DeSantis Bars Satanists from Florida School Chaplaincy Program

“The Sunshine State is now welcoming chaplains into public schools, but Satanists need not apply. On Thursday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, signed a bill into law allowing chaplains to volunteer to offer counseling at public and charter schools. However, the Catholic governor warned that Satanists would not be accepted into the program, as some Christian and conservative groups had feared.” read more at the Daily Signal


  • Did you know? As of March 7, school-chaplain bills have been introduced in 14 states. Texas passed a similar law last year. Florida’s law, HB931, requires parental consent before a student can see a chaplain, and the chaplain’s religious affiliation must be listed. The Satanic Temple was designated a tax-exempt church by the IRS in 2019. It’s up to the schools to choose whether to set up a chaplain program. Could the possibility of Satanist chaplains be a distraction aimed at discouraging states from passing more of these laws?
  • The ACLU of Florida strongly opposed the new law, which takes effect on July 1. “Allowing chaplains to provide counseling and other support services in public schools would violate students’ and families’ religious-freedom rights by exposing all public school students to the risk of chaplains evangelizing them or imposing religion on them throughout their school day,” they stated. Interestingly, the fear of students being evangelized–which includes hearing the gospel–is a reason for their opposition. on.
  • Governor DeSantis pushed back: “It’s totally voluntary for a parent or a student to participate. No one’s being forced to do anything. But to exclude religious groups from campus, that is discrimination. You’re basically saying that God has no place. That’s wrong. That’s not what our Founding Fathers intended.”


“...Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14. Lord, equip us to bring the good news of Your salvation to students across our nation, through the faithful efforts of believers. In Your precious name,


Did you know students can learn the Bible at school in any state? Child Evangelism Fellowship’s Good News Clubs meet to teach children the good news of Jesus. If you’re interested in volunteering, see if there’s a chapter near you.

My Faith Votes— is a ministry that motivates, equips, and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth. An estimated 25 million Christians who are registered to vote, fail to vote in presidential elections. My Faith Votes is on a mission to change this statistic by helping Christians act on their faith and vote in every election. When we pray unceasingly for our nation, think biblically about the issues, and vote consistently in every election the impact of Christians taking action from the local to the state and federal level will be unprecedented.

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