My Faith Votes | WEEKLY NEWS SUMMARY - APRIL 10, 2024



In this week's Intersect, read about:

No Labels Won't Run a 3rd-Party 'Unity' Ticket Against Trump, Biden

“No Labels will not run a third-party ‘unity’ ticket against Donald Trump and Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election, the group said Thursday. In a statement, the centrist group said they were unable to find a candidate that had a credible path to winning on their hypothetical bipartisan platform -- ‘so the responsible course of action is for us to stand down.’" read more at ABC News


  • “The upcoming election will likely be less about changing voters’ minds and more about rousing the faithful and getting them to the polls,” said Kevin Stocklin, reporting on Democrats' massive efforts to get college students to register and vote. In February, Vice President Kamala Harris stated that the federal government can pay college students to register voters. According to a 2022 report by Tufts University, “youth ages 18–29 are the only age group in which a strong majority supported Democrats.”
  • In an encouraging development for election integrity, Wisconsin voters enacted two ballot measures that will only allow lawfully designated election officials to administer elections and will restrict private donations that are for conducting elections. Wisconsin is the 28th state to restrict private funding to run elections. It is also one of the key states that will likely determine the presidency and which party controls the Senate.
  • Speaking of votes, the Nebraska legislature last week failed to pass a bill that would change the state to a “winner-take-all” system of allocating Electoral College votes. Under the current system, Democratic candidates have a chance of winning an electoral vote in the red state from the one liberal-leaning district that could decide this year’s presidential election. Conservatives are asking Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen, who supports a change to a winner-take-all system, to call a special session to pass the bill before the November election.


Elections are a prime opportunity to “do good.” “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:9-10) Download our guide, Seven Ways to Pray for Election Integrity, and pray for the upcoming elections.


Did you know? You can play a significant role in ensuring the integrity of the election process at your local polling location and eliminate instances of election fraud and manipulation if they occur. Sign up here to become a Poll Worker or an Election Judge in your area. Our goal is for 1,000 My Faith Votes followers to become a poll worker this November!

Trump Says Abortion Is Up to The States, Declines to Endorse National Limit

“Former President Donald Trump on Monday said abortion should be left to the states in the post-Roe era, declining to endorse any national limit on the procedure. His announcement, shared on Truth Social, is likely to disappoint anti-abortion groups who hoped he would use his bully pulpit to endorse national restrictions on abortion, especially after his campaign floated a 15-week ban earlier this year. Trump instead said that it was ‘up to the states to do the right thing’ on abortion, painting Democrats as ‘radical’ on the issue.” read more at Politico


  • Pro-life groups and notable politicians gave mixed responses to Trump’s statement, with some saying it was a “step in the right direction”. In contrast, others shared their disappointment, calling it a “slap in the face,” and the “worst advice” to tell someone to “follow their heart,” a phrase Trump used in his 4-minute-long video announcement.
  • Since Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022, the decision to ban abortion has been handed back to the states. Most Republican-controlled states have passed restrictions on abortion including 14 states that ban it at every stage of pregnancy (Arizona's Supreme Court ruled yesterday to uphold an 1864 near-total abortion ban). However, this election’s outcome will determine if more states can pass similar legislation or if the push for federal abortion rights is codified.
  • Where do the candidates stand? If President Biden, who is avidly pro-abortion, is reelected and if he has a friendly Democratic majority in both houses of Congress, federal abortion legislation will be at the top of their agenda. Democrats have made this clear. Independent presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, has said he believes abortion should be a woman's right "throughout the pregnancy" but has flip-flopped on federal limits to abortion. Trump’s statement on abortion was disappointing for many given his pro-life accomplishments during his presidency. But this is our current political situation, and it will surely challenge many Christians to cast a vote to “lessen evil” given the alternative options.
  • Where does My Faith Votes stand? We believe that life begins at conception and that abortion must be ended in the United States. We believe that every life is sacred and that our nation’s leaders at the state, local, and federal levels must protect the sanctity of life. We desire to see a United States — and a world — in which abortion is unthinkable and every life is valued as an image bearer of God. How can this be reflected at the ballot box? Our CEO briefly explains here.


On Monday, April 15, pro-life activist, prayer warrior, and friend of My Faith Votes, Dr. Alveda King, will join our weekly online prayer call. Come and pray with a community of believers who gather online each Monday to pray for our nation and the issues, like abortion, we face at the ballot box. Sign up to receive the Zoom link to join here.


With the abortion battle being fought at the state level, it’s so critical to be aware of what’s happening in your state and to communicate with your elected officials. Take two minutes and send a message to your state legislators and your Governor, letting them know that you stand for the sanctity of life and urge them to protect life as well. We’ve created this simple-to-use tool for you to take action here.

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds Signs State Version of Religious Freedom Restoration Act into Law

Iowa has become the latest state to enact a measure designed to protect the religious freedom rights of residents. Iowa’s Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds signed SF 2095, known as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. read more at The Christian Post


  • Why was this needed? According to a statement from the Governor, “Thirty years ago, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act passed almost unanimously at the federal level. Since then, religious rights have increasingly come under attack. Today, Iowa enacts a law to protect these unalienable rights—just as 26 other states have done—upholding the ideals that are the very foundation of our country.” Greg Chafuen, a lawyer at Alliance Defending Freedom, said in a statement that the Iowa law “provides a sensible balancing test for courts to use when reviewing government policies that infringe upon the religious freedom rights of Iowans.” “The law doesn’t determine who will win every disagreement,” Chafuen said, “but it does ensure that every Iowan — regardless of their religious creed or political power — receives a fair hearing when government action forces a person to violate his or her religious beliefs." The new law took effect immediately. Iowa joins Utah, West Virginia, and Idaho in passing new religious freedom protection laws in 2024.
  • Opponents of the legislation say it opens the door to discrimination, especially against LGBTQ Iowans. Rep. Lindsay James, D-Dubuque, said the law is about weaponizing religion to justify such discrimination. But here is where worldviews — and the First Amendment — collide. Religious freedom does not mean simply allowing people to practice their religion. It means ensuring that religious people can flourish by living consistently with their moral values within their communities and not being forced to go against their core values and beliefs to conform to culture or government or act in a manner they believe makes them complicit in sin.
  • In practical terms, religious freedom is advancing in Oklahoma through HB 1425, legislation that would ensure every public school in Oklahoma has a constitutional released time religious instruction policy that respects the rights of families. It also protects schools and teachers from litigation. Students would be allowed to leave school to attend religious instruction, like a Bible study. If you live in Oklahoma, consider using this guide to encourage three Oklahoma Senators who are working to push this through. It solidifies the freedom for families to prioritize a biblical education for their children. Twenty-eight states already have laws allowing released time for religious instruction, as Oklahoma is seeking to advance.


Lord, we pray for religious liberty in the United States today, and we thank You for the freedoms we have, both now and throughout our history, to serve and worship You. We ask that You enable those in positions of authority to continue to preserve the right to freely worship You and that they would not establish any belief or philosophy that would overrule the observance or expression of faith in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.


One organization working to bring Bible teaching to public schools, both during and after school, is called LifeWise Academy. Consider learning about their work and bringing their curriculum to your community to impact children educationally and spiritually.

House Republicans Rebuke Biden for 'One-sided Pressure' on Israel After Netanyahu Call

“House Republicans are gearing up to rebuke President Biden’s harsher stance on Israel this week after the Democratic commander-in-chief signaled, he could condition the Middle Eastern ally’s aid on how it treats civilians in Gaza. The House will vote this week on a resolution titled, ‘Opposing efforts to place one-sided pressure on Israel with respect to Gaza,’ according to the House Minority Whip’s Office.” read more at Fox News


  • The resolution comes after Biden’s recent phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in which he called for an immediate ceasefire. The secretary-general of the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah, which has been attacking Israel’s northern border since October 8, said a ceasefire would bring about a “historic defeat” for Israel.
  • Last week, six humanitarian aid workers and their Palestinian driver were killed in an airstrike by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) after delivering food in central Gaza. The IDF said the strike was a “grave mistake” that “should not have occurred.” Even so, over 30 House Democrats are calling for the U.S. to temporarily halt weapons shipments to Israel.
  • On Tuesday, roughly 50 protestors from the group, Christians for a Free Palestine, were arrested for illegally demonstrating and blocking the U.S. Senate cafeteria. The group wants the U.S. to stop funding Israel’s fight against Hamas. And in Dearborn, Michigan, on Friday, protestors shouted "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" during an International Al-Quds Day rally.
  • “One of the very, very difficult things here…is that Israel is presented as the obstacle to getting this aid to the Palestinian people,” Albert Mohler pointed out. “When it needs to be acknowledged that … if Hamas were to surrender, there would be no problem getting this aid to the people in Gaza.” Israel’s war with Hamas passed the six-month mark this week. An IDF spokesperson told Newsweek on Friday that there are 134 hostages—among them 11 foreign nationals—still being held hostage, with 123 released.


Pray for the defeat of Hamas, freedom for the captives, and wisdom for Israel’s leaders. Pray for moral clarity for our elected officials in the US. Pray for comfort for the families of the aid workers who were killed. Remember to pray not only for physical peace but for the spiritual peace that is only possible in Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 2:11-18)


Recently, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about Israel, current events, and biblical prophecy. Are we in the last days? This article in All Israel News outlines some of the signs the Bible says we can be watching for. I encourage you to read it and stay faithful as we wait for Christ’s return!

My Faith Votes— is a ministry that motivates, equips, and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth. An estimated 25 million Christians who are registered to vote, fail to vote in presidential elections. My Faith Votes is on a mission to change this statistic by helping Christians act on their faith and vote in every election. When we pray unceasingly for our nation, think biblically about the issues, and vote consistently in every election the impact of Christians taking action from the local to the state and federal level will be unprecedented.

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