Meet two of our Action Partners, Ron and Sue Kopke
Meet Action Partners Ron & Sue Kopke. This couple is hard at work to encourage and equip Christians to be active and engaged in the public square. Here’s what they have to say:
Pure and simple, we became affiliated with My Faith Votes as Action Partners originally because we believe it is a Christ, and Gospel-centered organization leading people to Pray, Think & take peaceful Action in standing for our LORD, and the freedoms that HE has given us. We learned that My Faith Votes is the real deal, with real CHRIST centered leadership!! For years, we have been praying for a Spiritual Reawakening in the Country for our fellow men and women to stand for Biblical and Constitutional values, and that we come together to stand up peacefully for our Lord. So the LORD leading us to My Faith Votes has been a blessing to us!
What attracted us at first was the National names that got our attention. Specifically, Dr. David Jeremiah, Col Alan West, Mike Huckabee, Alveda King, Ben Carson, and Kirk Cameron. All of these folks we knew were also strong real deal Christians who loved the Country. We could relate to these people.
However, it was when we learned about the everyday My Faith Votes people like Laurel Brooks, Lori DeBrunn, Jason Yates, Megan West, Grace on the staff, and particularly the MONDAY NIGHT PRAYER GROUP with real Americans praying that got our undivided attention. We found many like-minded Americans who also are really concerned about the serious Spiritual decline of our Country, that “We the People” find ourselves. So we got involved weekly with Monday night prayer, for it became and is an inspiration that has motivated us to answer The Lord’s call “to do something more,” which we think many Americans are asking themselves also.
What we didn’t know is that we would be receiving such powerful news and information updates about things going on related to our Faith, and providing the avenue to take peaceful action as the weekly publications Friday Five, and the Intersect provide.
Our goal is to use our time and talents to help make a small difference, by supporting the efforts of the leadership of My Faith Votes, by Praying, Thinking, and taking peaceful action, and in doing so we believe the action part has the opportunity to either bring folks to the LORD or bring folks closer in their own personal relationship to our LORD by standing up for HIM and the Freedom that HE has given all of us. We hope to do that through our family and friends, and some of the Pastoral connections we have and hope to gain as led by our Risen Savior in those efforts.
You can join with the Kopkes and thousands of other Action Partners from across the country who want to see meaningful change in our nation.
Interested in Becoming a My Faith Votes Action Partner? Join our grassroots community so that our voices will be heard in the halls of government across the land. Learn more here: www.myfaithvotes.org/actionpartner
You can also join us every Monday to pray for our nation and encourage others. When you do, you become part of the My Faith Votes Action Partner community. Action Partners are Christians who want to “do something” to bring Christ-centered impact to our communities and country. And it starts with prayer. Learn more and sign up to receive the prayer call information here.
My Faith Votes— is a ministry that motivates, equips, and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth. An estimated 25 million Christians who are registered to vote, fail to vote in presidential elections. My Faith Votes is on a mission to change this statistic by helping Christians act on their faith and vote in every election. When we pray unceasingly for our nation, think biblically about the issues, and vote consistently in every election the impact of Christians taking action from the local to the state and federal level will be unprecedented.
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