Write Now Toolkit

The Write Now Campaign

Did you know that 1 in 3 Christians does not vote?

It’s a startling statistic, but My Faith Votes has developed a proven way to change that and get out the Christian vote.

Write Now is a letter-writing campaign where thousands of people nationwide volunteer their time to send letters to Christians in key swing states, encouraging them to vote in every local, state, and federal election.

But it is going to take all of us!

Every letter sent increases the chance biblical values will lead America once again.

The Write Now Presentation Toolkits have all the promotional materials one needs to get the word out about this crucial initiative.

From Write Now talking points to graphics and videos, these toolkits have it all.

Take advantage of these materials today and encourage Christians to put their faith into action this election.

With much at stake in November, we cannot remain silent.

Access the Toolkits Here


This campaign is organized by My Faith Votes, a non-partisan, non-profit ministry dedicated to equipping and motivating Christians to faithfully engage in the public square.